Boy Scouts or Bargain Shoppers?

Dear Friends and Supporters, Should you JOIN HomesRenewed Coalition? Of course you should. Here’s why! Most people will age in their homes but their homes are not prepared. HomesRenewed is leading the charge to update homes.   We need you to add your voice to the coalition — JOIN US! Boy Scouts or Bargain Shoppers? Or is it just B-S? Over …

The Scale of our Aging Society

There are plenty of stories about the financial stability of social security and medicare, the impending caregiver ratio crisis and the business opportunities of the longevity economy. A couple things are often missing from the stories. One is a bold enough statement describing the scale of the problem. The second is solutions that stray from the story focus. No coloring …

HomesRenewed Team Blog #1

Welcome to HomesRenewed’s team blog. Housing older Americans is a complex issue requiring comprehensive and systematic solutions. HomesRenewed is a broad stakeholder coalition reflecting the complexity of the problem and the breadth needed to solve it. There are lots of issues. There are lots of stakeholders. There are lots of overlapping interests. But most importantly, all stakeholders share a vision …