Bias as a Barrier

I‘ve been promoting Aging in Place for years, mostly because it just makes sense.  Sometimes people say my work has been ahead of the curve. I never thought it would take so long to see shifts, pushing me to study the barriers to change.  A recent conversation helped me recognize three biases that are strong barriers to seeing home as …

Finding a Quiet Restaurant Where We Actually Can Talk with Each Other

Notes from the Sandwich Generation by HomesRenewed Policy Strategist Kristin Amerling* As with many elements of aging well, the built environment has an impact on “normal” activities with loved ones. This includes the basic pleasure of going out to dinner in a restaurant. Design and atmosphere, sound bouncing off the walls or ceiling, and loud music coupled with a common …

HomesRenewed Team Blog #1

Welcome to HomesRenewed’s team blog. Housing older Americans is a complex issue requiring comprehensive and systematic solutions. HomesRenewed is a broad stakeholder coalition reflecting the complexity of the problem and the breadth needed to solve it. There are lots of issues. There are lots of stakeholders. There are lots of overlapping interests. But most importantly, all stakeholders share a vision …