NEW Congress = NEW Chance for Incentives

In the last Congress, HR 1780  called for a $30k tax credits for home updates.

Join HomesRenewed Coalition to push the new Congress to vote for incentives so people can age in place!

Last week, Harvard’s Joint Center on Housing Studies posted Housing America’s Older Adults 2018 saying:

“Providing safe, affordable and accessible housing to the nation’s aging population is an immediate challenge.”

Harvard’s report reached three conclusions:

  1. Given the current and growing scale of need, older adult housing must become a federal priority.
  2. State, local, private and non-profit sectors need to play roles.
  3. Families and individuals need to take responsibility, plan, and advocate.

Join HomesRenewed Coalition to turn these recommendations into policies.

Membership makes a difference. Now is our chance. The strength of our combined voices has the power to impact legislation in the new Congress.

Be in the vanguard!

Change the way Americans Age in Place!

Join HomesRenewed Coalition!

Go to the HomesRenewed Coalition website for more information.

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